
2019-2020 Catalog

Basic Electronic Journeyman I

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Certificate in Applied Science

20 Credit Hours

The curriculum for this certificate teaches basic electrical/electronic fundamentals needed to enter the electronics technician workforce. Courses combine a mixture of classroom and lab instruction using the classroom to present basic theory and the lab to reinforce that theory with hands-on practical experiments.

Major Requirements

EET 113 Electrical Circuits I 4 **
EEM 129 Solid State Devices I 2
EEM 130 Solid State Devices II 2
EGR 104 Engineering Technology Foundations 3
MAT 170 Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry I 3 *

*Or MAT 110 College Algebra

**Alternate Sequence, EEM 113 DC Circuits I

***Alternate Sequences, ENG 101 English Composition I and ENG 260 Advanced Technical Communications; or ENG 101 English Composition I and SPC 209 Interpersonal Communication

Total:   20